You are a Human Being before you're a role, task, or title. This IS the place to be if you wanna learn how to LIVE LIFE:

👏🏼 intentionally,

👏🏼on your own terms,

👏🏼and in your full potential.


Welcome to the #1 Personal Growth & Development community to join for fast-tracking to life-changing results and high-performance habits so you can look, feel & show up in your Biz, Life, and Relationships as your most Elite Self. 

Learn how to use the 4 pillars of human performance to:

✔️ Stop the chase and 24/7 hustle mode.
✔️ Become your greatest Asset vs. Liability.
✔️ Build an Elite Life in harmony with your Business.


I was Built for This! I'm In!

If you're reading this I know you have a strong desire to be...

💪 Successful AF. You wanna be an impactful leader people (family & others) can trust and depend on. You know you were meant for something great.  
🙅🏼‍♀️ That success usually comes with a price... 
 Let me know if this sounds familiar:

🚫 You're tired, frustrated and discouraged. You start out on a high whenever you set new goals but end up jumping from one idea to the next craving for new stimulation, never fully following thru to become successful at something. 

🚫 You keep self-sabotaging with procrastination, and you're starting to think maybe you're just lazy or not good enough. (I promise that isn't the problem!)

🚫 You feel like you're alone. It seems like everyone around you is successful and has it all together, so why not you?

🚫 No matter how externally successful you are, there's a voice saying you're not good enough, you're not credible enough and what's the point... so you keep pushing beyond your limits and burning yourself out.  


Here's the good news...

You created the life you have now.

This means you have the power to shape-shift it into a life that doesn't just "look good" on social media...

Imagine living a life you're in LOVE with.  A life you're proud to say fuels your spirit, heart and mind. 

You can have it all! 


Becoming Your Greatest Asset.

The Ultimate Achievers Academy Inner Circle is your enriched community, strong support & solid AF accountability to learn how to:

✅ Run your business, life & relationships instead of letting them run you

Create a life you don't need or want to escape from. One where your goals, business life, and personal life are in harmony with each other. (If you fall off, you know exactly why, and how to get back up in record time). 

 OPTIMIZE & STRATEGIZE your time, energy and focus muscles to get you to "there" the fastest. 

If I could explain it all in one quote... it would be this:

If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe.

The Ultimate Achievers Academy Inner Circle: 

EVERYTHING You Need to Take a Quantum Leap to Next Level Results in Business, Life & Relationships.

It's MY Time to Elevate, I Claim it!

I created The Ultimate Achievers Academy Inner Circle for ME. 

Hey. I'm Tanya.

For almost 20 years now I've been obsessed with human performance and figuring out what I had to do to become an EXTRAORDINARY Human Being so that I could start living life in my greatness. I've been beyond fulfilled teaching others how they can do the same; regardless of life circumstances.  Things are great when they're good, but when Iife threw me some massive curve balls and knocked me into several massive face plants ... losing everything... not just once, but several times, I had to put everything I knew and taught to the test. And guess what happened? I came out on top stronger & more impactful; 👏🏼every👏🏼 damn👏🏼 time.  That's when I had unwavering confidence and certainty that The Work WORKS!

Check this out 👀...

You probably played sports growing up? or wanted to? 

Owning a business and stepping into entrepreneurship is a sport! And every sport requires athletes, teams & coaches.

Think of yourself as an athlete, and your career as your sport and me as your head coach. You get to choose which level you wanna take your sport, what position you wanna play, and what sport (what career) you wanna play. 

If you decide to go Pro and you want to play at a championship level you are looking at the right TEAM, with the right coach :) 

That's where I come in and your teammates within this enriched community.

Professional athletes don't just step out on the field and expect to win a championship... Nope.

They practice. They train. They take excellent care of their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual self. 

If you want to achieve extraordinary things in the world, you first must learn how to become an extraordinary human being. 

That's the WORK-behind-the work. 

Think of me as the head coach prepping you in the off-season and in practice so you're recognized as the MVP, bring home that Championship Trophy at the end of the season. 

I've worked with 6, 7, and 8-figure business earners, pro athletes and have seen first hand what works when an individual chooses to stop dabbling about potential and decides to EXPERIENCE LIVING IN THEIR GREATNESS.  

My skill set from a young age was building into people and believing in them until that belief rubbed off on them.  I KNOW you were built for the dreams, visions and goals that GOD has intentionally planted inside of your heart! I also know that your time is NOW.

Consider this your MVP invitation from me to join the Inner Circle where you'll learn: self mastery, emotional intelligence and how to operate at peak performance no matter what life throws at you. 

Ultimate Achievers Academy Inner Circle is a world-class program that..

turns the 4 pillars of human performance into a plug-and-play system so you can operate at peak levels no matter what life throws at you.

It's not about just pushing yourself harder to get to new levels...

It's about creating an enriched ecosystem within yourself and learning 'how to' master 4 pillars of performing at higher levels as a human being:

✅ Mental

✅ Physical

✅ Emotional

✅ Spiritual

I'm talking about progressive sustainable growth, not operating in chaos until you burn out or worse, permanently get injured.

The Ultimate Achievers Academy Inner Circle is structured to break down the old patterns and systems that are NOT working for you, and teach you how to build the new structures that support your next-level upgrade.

Based on nearly two decades of human performance work, and changing thousands of lives, I’ve packaged my exact step-by-step process into a ONE-YEAR program. 

In the last 2 decades, I've personally worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs, professional athletes, top executives, and more. I was able to tap in on what works to create a fulfilling life for people to show up as their most Elite selves without compromising themselves, their families, and the things they love. 

To deliver those results to more people, I developed the Mastermind Elite (Jan 2025), an intensive small group (20ppl) coaching program, and the results were/are Omazing!

But I knew I needed to open this content up to more high achievers, which is where the Inner Circle was created. 

Through a curriculum based on the results I saw in my private clients and mastermind, plus weekly LIVE coaching calls, I am able to offer this transformation in a way that is accessible to more people. 

You're gonna get a 10x return, 20x return on (your investment) because it's going to make you better as an individual. And your business is an extension of you. If your life is chaotic, then your business is gonna be chaotic... if you're on the fence pay double because you definitely need this to grow as a person.

Shamus Goss

I'm ready! Let's GROW.

It's your life, BUILT on your terms.

Every week we meet for team huddle group trainings live with me where we walk through new and updated content. 

PLUS - you get access to all of the content that's currently available in the Ultimate Achievers Academy & a VIP text group. 


 The Ultimate Achievers Academy

Access to:

  • Ultimate Goal Setting: The no-fail goal-setting strategy that NO ONE talks about.
  • Life Auditing: 10 core areas of your life to create a roadmap, raising the ceiling on your beliefs and relationships within your life as a whole.
  • Habit Building & Accountability: Together we'll set your development on auto-pilot by creating habits that support your goals and life.
  • Thriving during all seasons: Don't pause your goals because you're celebrating or losing. Stay on track while still having fun and utilizing the time to strategize for a clear execution for 2024 +. 
  •  Build out a customized productivity schedule for three 90 Day focus Sprints: Time Management, Productivity, & How to Get Massive Shiznit Done without compromising yo' self, your family or the things you love.
  • Emotional Intelligence for Optimal Performance: So your big emotions won't pull you off track like they have in the past.  
  • And so much more...


Access to my entire suite of courses

I've crafted a year-long program based on 20 years of results-based research and coaching. Gain access to the program as we walk through new and updated material each month in a structured and strategic way.

Weekly LIVE Training Sessions

Personalized advice, recommendations, and next steps through DIY coaching with me and the community each week. 

I'm here to hold you accountable & support you through this journey in a way that has only been reserved for my 1-on-1 and high-level mastermind clients in the past. 

A Community of High Powered Achievers

“Deliberately Seek The Company Of People Who Influence You To Think And Act On Building The Life You Desire.” – Napoleon Hill.

A community of like-minded people is like a high-octane boost to your personal development.

The first CLEAR. NEXT. STEP.

You know what you're currently doing isn't working... operating in chaos, feeling stuck AF and not living up to your standards. 

Now you get to make the choice between:


❌ Being burned out by working ALL the TIME, and missing out on spending time with friends and family, and being the “workaholic” of your group.


💎 Join an enriched ecosystem that is in alignment with your goals in business AND life.


❌ Feel unproductive and overwhelmed until you’re up against a deadline and then work like your stressed TF out to get shit done in record time. 


💎 Have the tools to stay consistent in your work so you don't have to yo-yo back and forth between "anxiety" and working til dawn to get it done.


❌ You barely have time to eat, let alone eat something nourishing. Exercise has become how fast you can type out DM’s or emails on your phone, and you’re understimulated and foggy minded.


💎 Become Mentally, Physically, & Emotionally Healthy & Strong 'AF' So you can Look, Feel, & Show up in your Business, Life and Relationships as your most Elite Self.



I'm ready. Let's GROW!

Chris Mungia

I had a ton of distractions and blocks, that weren't allow to excel and move forward in life.

 I started having some serious breathroughs when I was able to identify my distractions.

The mindset work and excercises allowed me to start taking action and fixing the root of my problems. With the knowledge I've gained I am ready to become the leader I was meant to be!

Caitlin Flynn

By working with Tanya I was able to get unstuck. By working with her I was able to accomplish a lot things I had on my vision board... Working with Tanya was one of the best decisions I made, and it's really setting me up for success this year.

Joey Vigil

After working with Tanya my life will never be the same. She was the missing piece so I could get to the next level not just in business, but also spiritually, mentally, physically and financially. She saved me from having to go from healing and spiritual book to book or seminar to seminar to learn about all the exercises and tools she has given me.

I'm ready to GROW! Let me in.

These are the questions other members of the Inner Circle asked me before joining:

You can create a new normal for yourself to operate in your GREATNESS.


You can overcome ANY circumstance to scale 🚀 to success on the fast-track.


AND you can do it all while ENJOYING the process instead of it constantly feeling like a chore.

Eric Bryant

I find myself a lot more focused, working with a lot more intention and motivation as well. I was in a rut. But now, through Tanya’s course, I have tools to help me get through all things, to help me stay focused, to help me keep at it, to keep me motivated, and to keep me in that mindset of constantly moving forward.

Marilyn Goss

I would say if you wanna grow, take the leap of faith. Go in with an open mind, see what happens. But whatever it is you're doing now, clearly it's not working. So try it. I can tell you it will work for you. You will change for the better with the tools in the Tanya teaches.

Oana Marmalichi

I was struggling with my mindset when I first started with Tanya,  I was in a total funk. I wasn’t able to pull myself out of it because I didn’t have the tools necessary... until about a month into working with Tanya when I had my ah ha moment. Sometimes she will say one sentence and it all makes sense and that’s exactly what happened and what helped me snap out of it. She held me accountable and I felt super supported throughout my journey with her. What’s important is that you don’t give up on your end goals, even if you have to tweak the path to getting there and use your tools to get you through the difficult moments. 

Every Decision Leads to a RESULT.


Option # 1). You keep going at it alone without support, without new skills, and without the playbook needed to make REAL change sustainable.


Option # 2). I can fast track you (along with Strong Support & solid AF Accountability) and take you thru a time machine, teach you everything I know within 1 year and save you over 10 years of growing pain and $$$ tens of thousands to elevate your business, mindset and life. 

Think about where you wanna be... (is there clarity on this?). 

💯 GUARANTEED within the first month... 

You LOOK, FEEL and start SHOWING UP in BIZ, Life and Relationships at an Elite Level because you're Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Healthy & Strong AF.


Six months from now... you feel clear and have built a stable foundation within yourself. You have countless tangible results, from finally hitting 5-figure or 6-figure months to healthier relationships with others and yourself. Your nervous system feels regulated. When you wake up feeling enthusiastic about the day and going to bed knowing you won the day feeling proud and satisfied of the life you've built.

One year from now... You're playing at the Pro Level and taking home the championship title within your business, life & relationships.

Pro Tip 💎: What you Appreciate WILL APPRECIATE🏆

I was BUILT for this! Sign me up!

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